
Athix Discord Bot

Thank you so much for using Athix.

  • Update: 1.0.0
  • Update Release: 5 June, 2023

If you have any questions that are beyond the scope of this help file, Please feel to reach out to us on Athix's Support Server.

Inviting Athix

Invite links of Athix.

Permissions Needed

Permissions needed by Athix to serve your server to the fullest.

  • Manage Roles
  • Manage Channels
  • Create Invite
  • Manage Webhooks
  • Read Messages
  • Send Messages
  • Manage Messages
  • Embed Links
  • Attach Files
  • Read Message History
  • Mention Roles
  • Add Reactions
  • Use External Emojis
  • Use Application Commands

Increase Activity

Utilize your server's full potential with our activity boosters!

Global Chat

Break down Server barriers and connect with others across servers with our innovative cross-server global chat feature.

  • /global_chat

    Instructions for gchat

    • Guide book will appear in the channel where the global chat is set, You must read it.
    • I must have manage_messages, manage_webhooks, manage_channels and add_reactions permissions.
    • Make sure that you have read the Privacy Policy.

Person needs to have administrator permission to set or disable the global chat.


Spark Daily Conversations with QotD: Engage Your Discord Community!

  • /qotd

Members with administrator permission can only use this command.

Chat Reviver

Awaken Dead Channels with Athix: Spark Engaging Conversations!

  • /reviver

    Instructions for Chat Reviver

    • Athix must have mention roles permission or administrator if a role has to be pinged.

Members with administrator permission can only use this command.

Premium guilds can setup multiple revivers for different channels.

Tip System

A tip system which sends tips after a count of messages has been sent in the server!, You will have total control over tips and the message count after which Athix has to drop tip.

Removed in v1.0.0


Keep a decorative and attractive log of the best messages of your server for public or private view!

Removed in v1.0.0

Last Letter

Participants say a word, and the next person must say a word that starts with the last letter of the previous word. The person with the most score at the end wins!

  • /lastletter

Members with administrator permission can only start and manage the event.

Guess The Number

Host a guess the number event in your server, monitered by me so you can sit back and relax!

  • /guess_the_number

With non-premium, max range allowed is 400.

Members with administrator permission can only start and manage the event.

Guessing Events

MindPuzzle Events: Engage, Guess, and Triumph! Join the Exciting Guessing Game Adventures!

  • /guessing_events

Members with administrator permission can only start and manage the events.


All the utility commands available in Athix!


Make an embeded and good looking announcement.

Removed in v1.0.0

Suggestion System

Set a suggestion channel where you want your people to drop the suggestions from anywhere in the server.

Removed in v1.0.0


Make a poll for your server which can handle upto 9 custom options.

Removed in v1.0.0


Make a attractive 'yes or no' poll in your server!

Removed in v1.0.0.


Give a role to a member from your server.

  • /assign <member> <role>

Removed in v1.0.0.

Social Notifier

Stay Ahead of the Game with Automated Notifications: Never Miss a Tweet or YouTube Upload Again!

  • /social_notifiers <social>

Non-premium servers can set 2 notifiers, premium servers can set 25 notifiers max. Notification time may vary depending on youtube and twitter.

Members with administrator permissions can only use this command.


Change Athix's prefix for your server.

  • /prefix <new_prefix>

You need to have administrator permission to run this command.

Default prefix is>.


All the mini-games available in Athix!


Play modern buttoned minesweeper mini-game on discord!

  • /minesweeper


Play multiple choice trivia game with option to choose between 10 different categories of your interest!

  • /trivia <category> <difficulty> Play the trivia game of your favorite category!
Categories Available Difficulties Available
all easy
anime medium
computer hard

Guess The Word

Play guess the word to test your english!

  • /guesstheword <difficulty> Play gtw with a option to choose between 3 Difficulties.

    Instructions for Guess The Word

    • No need to use prefix before typing the word.
    • Type HINT to get a hint.
    • Only the channel where the command is used will have the game ongoing.
    • To prevent chat flood, the bot will only respond when someone guesses the correct word.
    • You can skip the word by typing SKIP.
Difficulties Available

Jumble Words

Play jumble word(shuffled words)!

  • /jumbleword <difficulty> Play jw with a option to choose between 3 Difficulties.

    Instructions for Jumble Words

    • No need to use prefix before typing the word.
    • Type HINT to get a hint.
    • Only the channel where the command is used will have the game ongoing.
    • To prevent chat flood, the bot will only respond when someone guesses the correct word.
    • You can skip the word by typing SKIP.
Difficulties Available

Fatest Finger

Play fastest finger game in which you have to click on each block and find out how many times ⏫ emojis are in it.

  • /fastestfinger <difficulty> Play ff with a option to choose between 3 Difficulties.

    Instructions for Fastest Finger

    • You need to look for ⏫ emoji and count its number of occurance.
Difficulties Available

Tic Tac Toe

Play tictactoe with your buddy or alone with the bot!

  • /tictactoe solo Play Tic Tac Toe with the bot.
  • /tictactoe multiplayer <member> Play Tic Tac Toe with someone in your server

Connect 4

Play connect4 with your buddy!

  • /connect4 <member> Play connect 4 with someone in your server

Guess The Song

Play guess the song with your friends!

Removed in v1.0.0

Fun Commands

All the fun commands in Athix to keep everyone entertained!


Ask truth questions, very helpful if you are bored and alone or when the whole group plays truth or dare.

  • /truth Get a truth question.


Give dare tasks, very helpful if you are bored and alone or when the whole group plays truth or dare.

  • /dare Get a dare question.


Gives sensible fun topics to chat on which will help keeping the chat going on, contains over 700 questions.

  • /topic Get a topic to chat on.

Athix will never repeat any topic until your server has used 800 topics.


Use the bubble wrap to unleash your creativity.

  • /bubblewrap

8 Ball

Ask any question to the 8ball.

  • /8ball <question>


Read some facts about the world with 100+ facts to keep you amazed!

  • /fact

Luck Meter

Get to know your current luck percentage.

  • /luck <member>


See some memes from reddit.

  • /meme

This command requires a nsfw channel.

Leveling System

All features to help you build a leveling system!

Leveling System

Level up your conversation with every message!

  • /levels
Dynamic values available for custom message

Members with administrator permission can only enable/disable and manage levels.

Auto Roles

Unlock New Horizons: Rise in Levels, Embrace Exciting Roles!

  • /autoroles
Dynamic values available for custom message

Instructions for Leveling Roles

  • The role which is being added must be below Athix's role.
  • Athix must have manage roles permission or administrator.

Members with administrator permission can only use this command.

Rank Command

Check your leveling rank!

  • /rank

Server Management Commands

Spice up your server with these commands!

Custom Commands

Make use of one of the most flexible custom commands for your server! Either embeded or non-embeded with a lot of addons without leaving discord for setting them up.

  • /custom_commands

Person needs to have administrator permission to add/remove or edit the settings of a custom command.

Non-premium guilds can add 5 custom commands and premium guilds can add 25 custom commands.

Economy System

Empower Your Server with a Customized Economy: Forge Your Discord Empire!

  • /economy

Members with administrator permission can use the sensitive commands.


Check your economy balance.

  • /balance <member>

Auto Mod

Keep your server secure with Athix's AutoMod!

Anti Nitro Scam System

Safeguarding Your Community: Nitro Scam Links Vanish in no time!

  • /antiscam

Person needs to have administrator permissions to setup Anti Scam.

Athix needs to have manage messages permission.

Antox System

Harmony Guard: Empower Your Discord Community with Auto-Moderation Against Toxicity!

  • /antox

Person needs to have administrator permissions to setup Antox.

Athix needs to have manage messages permission.


A FAQ is a list of frequently asked questions (FAQs) and answers on a particular topic.

The bot sends a QOTD at 12 AM (GMT). You can't set a time for QOTD.
You will need Athix premium, for more details, you can check it out in premium.
>reviver setup (time-in-mins) #channel [@role], for example >reviver setup 360 #general @chatreviver time is calculated in minutes so 6hrs is written as 360 mins. Timer is the amount of time the bot has to wait until sending out next reviver. Like if the last message in the channel is x amount of mins old, bot will send the reviver msg. You can set that x amount of time and that is timeout.
  • You could be bannned from gchat (You will recieve a DM whenever you are banned from gchat, if your dms are closed then you might not.)
  • The server where you are trying might have a too long name, shorten the name of the server if so and try again.
  • Your server might be ratelimited, Bot sends a ratelimit message without embed whenever your server gets ratelimited, ratelimit lasts for 10 mins.
  • Every server could have a different prefix for Athix, but the default prefix is >, to see the prefix in your server use /help or type the command by pinging the bot like, @Athix help
  • Make sure Athix has permission to see and send messages in the channel where you are running the command.
  • Check bot updates channel in support server, a announcement related to it could be there.

Your question isn't answered here? Feel free to ask us in support server.


If this documentation doesn't answer your questions, Please reach out to us in our Support Server

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